Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
The information collected through our contact form on this site is recorded in a computerized file on behalf of the Deveaux site by OVH (in its capacity as host) in order to ensure the proper functioning of the Deveaux site.

At no time may OVH make any use of this personal data; only the Deveaux site may make use of it. This data is stored on servers physically located in the European Union, and is kept for the duration of the Deveaux site’s existence.

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act, you may exercise your right to access and rectify your personal data by contacting Deveaux via the contact page or the following e-mail address:

Under no circumstances will the data collected on the Deveaux website be transferred to third parties.

How is your personal data used?
Personal data is protected in particular by Law no. 78-87 of January 6, 1978; Law no. 2004-801 of August 6, 2004; Article L. 226-13 of the French Penal Code; the European Directive of October 24, 1995; and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Protecting your personal data and using it sensibly are priorities for Deveaux.

Below, you will find the use that may be made of data collected by Deveaux.
The Deveaux website uses a contact and quote request form. In the context of this form, personal information may be requested, such as an email address, surname, first name, telephone number,… The data collected on this form may be used to respond to requests made through it, or to provide other services offered by Deveaux. Under no circumstances will this data be made public or divulged to third parties.